Friday, January 4, 2008

This is a daft post...seems more like a dental care ad, if you know what I mean[ Toothpaste for the tooth pest to avoid losing your teeth when you need them most] But its been rusting in my folder and I did promise last year about this.

postscript- There is a typo in the image but by now I am convinced that it is most human to make one. Besides, I am giving you the chance to forgive and be divine.


Noisy Autist said...

Depends on who's around?

No. This is priceless.

Amazing Graze said...

i'm dying to read the inside pages articles... hope u r working on them.

Antigone said...

@ noisy autist- depends on who's around. :)

@amazing greys- You need none of that trash, now do u? You aren't married, you know why you blog,Messiah and the Masai is a movie that was never made[although we did have a sketchy script],my own reading has taken a trip downhill so i am no one to review books,Pachebel Rant is to be heard and seen[if you like guitar comedy, that is] and not read about,Lady Gore is quite a bore and lastly...what did he mean when he said tootles? guy psychology isn't really my metier...:P

Amazing Graze said...

yeah, yeah... but i would still like to read you talk about em. :P

Macadamia The Nut said...

tooth paste for the tooth pest? LOL! Beautiful!

Antigone said...

@ amazing greys- your interest deeply moves me to happy tears. :p

@ macadamia - thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the information, now I will not commit such error.

Anonymous said...

I think, that you are not right. I am assured. Write to me in PM.